A domain is the name and digital identity your business or your project has on the Internet.
Create a professional email account with your own domain name quickly and easily. It is safe, builds a positive image of your company and boosts your sales.
Web Hosting is a service providing space in servers that work 24/7 to have your website and emails available online. We have different pricing plans for all your needs.
A Website is the best way to have an online presence for your project or business. You can build it yourself or get a professional web designer to do it.
Web Security is key to get a trustable domain and website. Get your SSL certificate and keep your website malware free to increase your sales.
Marketing is sales on a grand scale. Your website may be phenomenal, but it needs marketing to sell.
These are the GENERAL RULES of use applicable to our service and to our Subscribers. From now on will refer to the person who acquires any of the services of Neolo.com as "The Subscriber". The use of contracted services presupposes complete acceptance of the following conditions:
The services contracted with Neolo.com must be used exclusively for licit purposes. It is strictly prohibited to use any of the services contracted with Neolo.com that violate any local, national or international law. While using the services contracted with Neolo.com, the subscriber may not: • Disclose or transmit illegal, abusive, defamatory, racist, offensive, or any other type of objectionable information, whether through photographs, texts, advertising banners or links to external pages, as well as to publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute or exploit any information or software that contains viruses or any other harmful component, software or other material that is not original (pirated), infringe intellectual property rights, publish or provide material or resources about hacking, cracking, or any other information that Neolo.com deems inappropriate. Any use of the system for illicit purposes will enable Neolo.com to suspend the contracted services without prior notice. To report a service or domain that is being used for unlawful purposes contact our Research Department through: abuses@neolo.com
Neolo.com reserves the right to refuse to suspend or cancel services contracted by the subscriber with or without prior notice if the subscriber incurs any conduct or activity that Neolo.com considers abuse or violation of any of the terms, rules and conditions here exposed, with or without prior notice and not being responsible for the consequences that could result for this reason. This situation also contemplates cases in which the Technical area of Neolo.com cancels the service to accounts that incur in actions that do not allow the correct operation of the other users. Each case of suspension will be evaluated and the administrative discharge of the client will be corresponding. Likewise, The Subscriber accepts and is notified that Neolo reserves the right to permanently remove, suspend or cancel any contracted service, information or content of the subscriber's hosting, if for operational or commercial reasons it is necessary and no further notification is necessary than the following terms and conditions. Likewise, Neolo.com may request additional information to validate the customer's account, and may use anti-fraud services from third parties (such as MaxMind) to rate the customer's behavior. Neolo.com may retain the customer's payment for 30 business days for customers who may be classified as unreliable or who do not validate their account through a valid identification by Neolo.com
In the case of hosting accounts that have execute permissions, the subscriber can install and execute the scripts that he deems appropriate. However, Neolo.com reserves the right to deactivate any script or software installed by the subscriber that affects the normal operation of the servers and harms other clients that host sites in them. On the other hand, any software or application that is installed by the user on Neolo.com servers on both shared and dedicated servers, must have the corresponding license to endorse the rights of the user. In case of a request for verification of license by the entity that owns the installed software, the service will be suspended until the user presents the corresponding permissions for said installation.
Websites whose purpose is the distribution and storage of files (eg photo galleries, MP3, libraries of download programs, videos, large compressed files, etc.) will be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, Neolo.com reserves the right to cancel suspend or delete such accounts. A site may be considered included in this characterization, when more than 5% of its content is dedicated to archives for distribution. In case of reoffending, for your site to be reactivated you must pay the fine corresponding to US $50.
All reseller hosting plans except the Plan 0, Plan 1 and Unlimited plan, includes a certain amount of monthly traffic. If you exceed the transfer limit, you will be notified to the email address that you configured as the main contact when registered. The restriction can not be removed, if your site is exceeded frequently you can request an upgrade to obtain a higher transfer rate and avoid possible service block.
There is no implied warranty or obligation that is not explicitly listed in this document, on the relationship between the subscriber and NEOLO.COM. Once you have requested the plan and sent the e-mail confirming the purchase order data, you will have 30 days to make the payment corresponding to it. After the payment for the service has been made, it must be informed from the customer area WHOSE ACCESS IS LOCATED ON THE MAIN PAGE OF THE SITE, under the option: "Notify of a Payment" in order to make the activation or renewal of a service. The payment data entry does not guarantee that your payment can be verified, the client will be able to visualize the status of his payment, after the estimated deadline of delay has elapsed, from THE AREA OF CLIENTS. Once your payment is verified, you will be informed through an email in your contact e-mail. In the event that your payment can not be verified by our Administrative Dept., this payment report will be deleted, an email notification will be sent and you must re-inform it by attaching a scan of your payment voucher.
Cancel a service:
To unsubscribe a service, the customer must request and confirm it from the client panel in c.neolo.com. Failure to do so and the service continue active, Neolo reserves the right to act in the ways it deems necessary to collect the service.
Neolo.com will maintain the confidentiality and security of the information provided by the subscriber for the collection of the service, as described in the Data Protection Law.
Neolo.com is not responsible for the loss of data on the server caused by users, failures in our system or updates on our servers or other imponderable It is the user's responsibility to maintain a backup copy of the site. It is also the responsibility of the user to keep the mails of the webmail system under guard. Neolo.com also makes backups of all sites, but does not provide guarantees about it. Neolo.com does not make backups (backup copies) of accounts greater than 35GB (35840Mb). Therefore, the subscriber must take precautions to ensure his safeguard. In any case, the client needs to restore or obtain a backup of his hosting account. pay USD 50 for the work that the completion of the task demands.
Neolo.com is not responsible for delays in domain registrations and DNS transfers caused by third parties or by the user who acquires our services.
The currency base is USD. In the event that the client does not make the payment and warns of it through the customer area, Neolo.com reserves the right to temporarily suspend the website. For the reactivation, the amount corresponding to the cost of renewing your service must be paid and it will be reactivated only once the accreditation of the payment is verified. In the event of failure to pay 20 calendar days after the expiration date, the final cancellation of your site, with the corresponding deletion of all information hosted by the user. In this way the user loses all right to claim for the deleted information. The payment of the service is made per month in advance, on an annual, quarterly or monthly basis as indicated in the detail of the plan. In the means of payment where a communication from the client is necessary to inform and individualize the payment made Neolo reserves the right to suspend or cancel preventively the customer's account until the latter reports said payment and Neolo.com issues acknowledgment of said payment .
1 - In the event that the hosting plan includes domain when the domain expires, the hosting automatically goes into suspension and changes the status to expired. The owner will have 10 days to pay the same at the renewal price set by Neolo.com and after those 10 days an additional $ 90 for the domain must be paid (except for LOCAL DOMAINS that depending on the regulation of each country its renewal) and of which the client accepts that Neolo.com is not responsible) plus the renewal price of the web hosting to reactivate the operation of the domain and hosting. Neolo does not ensure that a domain can be renewed for more than the payment has been made. In case of impossibility of renewal of the domain, Neolo will reimburse the subscriber the amount paid for the renewal of the domain that may never exceed US $ 11 (single payment).
2 - In the case of plans exclusively for Registration of international domains, when the expiration date the domain automatically goes into suspension and changes the status to expired. The owner will have 10 days to pay the same at the renewal price set by Neolo.com and after those 10 days an additional $ 90 plus the renewal price must be paid to reactivate the operation of the domain. Neolo does not ensure that a domain can be renewed for more than the payment has been made. In case of impossibility of renewal of the domain, Neolo will reimburse the subscriber the amount paid for the renewal of the domain that may never exceed US $ 11 (single payment).
The client's current account with Neolo.com works with the modality: sum of debits and credits. In this way each payment that the client enters is imputed in the first place to the first renewal that has VENCIDA of an administratively ACTIVE and / or SUSPENDED service. If the renewals are not due, the amount is charged to the pending purchases or assigned as a BALANCE FOR future purchases or renewals.
Neolo.com reserves the right to make changes in the characteristics and prices of the plans and / or services offered. Any notification that affects the technical characteristics of the services offered will take place directly through our web pages on the Internet. And the mere use of the services of Neolo implies the acceptance of the modifications and / or updates of this document.
Along with the growth of the Internet, email abuse also grows. People get very upset at SPAM and send complaints to suppliers. Due to this we must assume a strict position regarding the SPAM email. The subscriber undertakes not to transmit unsolicited advertising through email or any other means on the Internet advertising any services hosted with Neolo.com, either through services contracted with us or through any other service provider. Failure to comply with this point will lead to the immediate suspension and without prior notice, of the services contracted. Any expense generated will be charged to the user's account. If the sending of SPAM mail by a user is detected, the account will be suspended and must pay $ 50.- as a re-account charge. If you continue with this policy, the account will be removed from our servers and, as mentioned above, the user will be responsible for the expenses incurred and damages to other users of the same server. When the service is suspended by SPAM, a suspension screen will be placed on the corresponding site. This screen will be deleted as soon as the payment of the fine is verified.
It is reported that the mass mailing is not allowed, since the functioning of the server from which it is carried out is affected. If the Subscriber has a certain number of users who are interested in receiving certain information about their company or service, before sending the corresponding email, contact the technical area to c.neolo.com, so that they are provided with the necessary information. necessary instructions, so as not to generate conflicts of any kind. In case of sending mass mail the account will be suspended immediately by the technical department of our company. It will be restored only once the Subscriber contacts that department to clarify the situation and Neolo.com considers that there is no risk of "banning" the IP address of the mail server or saturation of the servers.
Suspension and / or cancellation of service against phishing detection from a website hosted on Neolo.com "Phishing" is a modality related to obtaining information to carry out a fraud and / or identity theft. It consists of taking information such as credit card numbers, passwords, account information or other personal information, through deception. This type of fraud is usually received through emails or pop-up windows. Neolo.com supports international organizations in the fight against phishing on the Internet. If you think you have been a victim of phishing, proceed as follows:
If you believe that your personal information has been stolen or endangered, you must also notify the FTC https://www.ftc.gov
In the event of re-offending, in order for your site to be reactivated, you will have to pay the fine corresponding to US $ 50, committing yourself again to correct the vulnerabilities and delete the malicious files from your site. If after that your account is used again for this purpose we will proceed to the definitive and irreversible cancellation of it. To report a service or domain that is being used for illegal purposes, contact our Research Department through abusos@neolo.com
Likewise, hosting plans may exclusively store files corresponding to websites. The files .zip, .tar.gz videos or other extensions that exceed 100MB in size will be considered punctually and may be eliminated directly by Neolo.com without consulting the client in order to maintain stability and agility in the web hosting servers. This removal of content will not give rise to any compensation by the provider. For the storage of large files (greater than 100MB) the client must hire a VPS service.
The right to request reimbursement of the money delivered to Neolo.com as payment for the services provided, will only be valid when the service corresponds only with one of the following plans:
Furthermore, in order for said refund request to be considered, the following requirements must be met:
Once the request for reimbursement has been received and the requirements previously stated have been complied with, Neolo.com will evaluate the request and, if applicable, the sum will be reimbursed through the agreed means. The amount of the refund will not include amounts of commission expenses that are applied in some forms of payment. Refunds may take up to 90 working days. SSL, licenses, registrations, renewals and domain transfers will not be reimbursed under any circumstances. Refunds may only be requested within 30 days of the initial hiring of the service, after this period, the user accepts that there will be no refund possibility.
The processing of the domain for which the registration is paid to Neolo.com is subject to availability at the time of registration with the corresponding entity. This procedure is initiated only once the payment is verified. Once a domain has been processed, its characters can not be modified and the amount paid for it can not be refunded. When performing any procedure related to a domain in Neolo.com you accept the terms and conditions established by the international entity ICANN Neolo.com corroborate the availability at the time of completing the purchase order through the whois server of the operator of the corresponding TLD. Neolo.com is not responsible for the information contained in the WHOIS database of the TLD operator, as it is provided without any guarantee or guarantees regarding its accuracy.
If the domain that the customer entered in the purchase order is detected as busy or invalid, the option to send an alternative domain will be given to it, maintaining the same extension as the one selected in the purchase. The detection and report of domain occupied or not valid, is done when the domain already has the verified payment and step to registration. The notification is made via email with instructions for sending the alternative name. A domain can be suspended for technical or administrative reasons by Neolo.com, the client having the possibility of communicating with the Payments area from their client area for resolution. Upon expiration, the domain automatically goes into suspension and changes the status to expired.
The owner will have 10 days to pay the same at the renewal price set by Neolo.com and after those 10 days an additional $ 90 plus the renewal price must be paid to reactivate the operation of the domain. After 15 days of the expiration date of the domain, it is eliminated.
Only the domains that have been registered initially by Neolo.com without exception will be renewed. The domains that are not in this situation have the option of being transferred to Neolo.com having to make this change, a minimum of 30 days before the expiration date. The renewal process starts only once the payment is verified, even if it does not guarantee the renewal of the domain. Only a domain could be renewed if the payment was made in time and form, otherwise it will not be possible. Neolo.com also does not guarantee or take responsibility if the domain can not be renewed.
.com.es, .es, .com.pe and .pe domains must be renewed 60 days before expiration to avoid entering the redemption period.
.com.au and .au domains must be renewed 90 days before expiration to avoid entering the redemption period.
It is a service carried out by Neolo.com courtesy with its customers, Neolo.com is not responsible for the correct completion of the transfer procedures initiated by its registration area since it depends solely on the entity where the domain is initially free the domain in question in time and that the emails sent to the email address of the administrative contact of the domain in the initial registration entity are correctly answered. There is no refund of money because Neolo.com pays when the process begins. The transfer process starts only once the payment is verified. It is the responsibility of the client who pays the transfer procedure, verify that the domain is in Active or OK status in the initial registration entity and enter the Transfer Code from your customer area. For a year of renewal to be added to the domain transferred, it must be more than 45 days from the date of creation or renewal in another entity.
The limit of mailing allowed by Neolo.com in their individual plans and resellers is 500 e-mails per hour for each domain and per created hosting account. In case of detecting an excess in the number of emails, blocking the sending of outgoing emails will be carried out until the end of the time since the suspension of blocking of outgoing mail began.
The most common causes of suspension are:
- A vulnerability in a web form for sending emails. In these cases, the suspension has no reactivation cost and is activated as soon as the user communicates and coordinates the resolution of the vulnerability with the Technical area. - Use of the email account exclusively for sending SPAM mail. These cases have the consequence of suspending the account, opening a follow-up case and generating the corresponding invoice. The account will be reactivated only after the payment of the debt has been verified. IMPORTANT: These limitations are only applied to individual plans and resellers that are on shared servers. The limitation in Dedicated servers and VPS only depends on the capacity of the equipment (hardware).
The optimal way to contact is at c.neolo.com > contact us.
It is called individual accommodation plans which are listed below:
It is understood as individual accommodation to the possibility of hosting a single website. It is called multiple accommodation plans to which is listed below:
Multiple hosting is understood as the possibility of creating a limited number of hosting accounts, determined by the plan that is contracted, from the WHM control panel enabled. Each of these hosting accounts will allow you to host a single website. The hosting of a website will be done exclusively through the use of tools enabled by Neolo.com. Modifications to the contracted service that result in the hosting of more websites than those allowed as detailed in the characteristics of the plan will not be allowed under any circumstances. Actions such as being (but not limited to): addon domains by means of APACHE directives on the .htaccess file, redirects with PHP code or any other language, etc. will be considered non-compliance. In the event that the subscriber incurred in the previously described activity, the immediate suspension of the service will proceed, without prior notice, until the situation is normalized. Traditional shared hosting accounts (Plan 0, Plan 1 and Unlimited Plan) as well as Reseller Plans, will be limited to 768MB of RAM and in exceptional cases to 1GB burst of RAM. Premium Hosting, VPS Hosting and Dedicated Servers plans will have the RAM memory indicated in each of the plans.
Web hosting plans have limited email disk space.
Migrations of the first 15 accounts are free in the event that the previous web hosting provider uses cPanel and has the option to perform Full Backups. Extra migrations could be priced. Otherwise, the technical team will consider depending on the time it takes the migration if it involves some cost or not. The migrations takes from 3 to 10 working days according to the availability of time. In the case of not having cPanel in the previous provider, only the website can be migrated, but not the email accounts. The latter may be migrated only in exceptional cases and with an additional fee to be agreed upon.
Migrations are carried out from Monday to Friday. They can be carried out exceptionally on weekends but only under prior agreement between the client and the provider.
Jurisdiction and Applicable Law. All disputes or disputes arising from this Application will be submitted to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of the USA. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the Argentine Republic. Neolo.com does not have any contractual relationship with the final customer that contracts the service to a "reseller" of the service. The conditions and rules set forth herein may be modified by Neolo.com without prior notice, notifying it by the means it deems necessary.
The values displayed in dollars (USD) on this page were calculated according to the exchange rate of the day of the central bank of your country.
At the time of purchase, the transaction will be made based on the conversion of the local currency of your country by the financial institution of your credit card. Remember that the exchange rate and other possible rates will be defined by your bank.
By contracting our services you declare to know and accept these usage policies.
Last modified August 3, 2021.