Il tuo disco virtuale con OwnCloud e Neolo

Your files on your Neolo OwnCloud. Synchronized and safe between your computers and mobile devices. Share anything with anybody.

  • Mensile
  • Annualmente 10% OFF
  • Storage and secure file sharing
  • Device sync
  • 30 giorni di rimborso

Cloud Basic

For individuals

€ 7.93 /mese


Cloud Pro

For larger teams

€ 51.60 /mese


Smart files: Always available and synchronized between all your devices.


Share files and directories with people inside and outside of your organization.

Improve your productivity. Work less hours optimizing your performance.


The Activity Stream collects users actions with files and folders and notifies and fires a notification.

Servizi di pagamento

Accettiamo i principali mezzi di pagamento. Dovrai solo scegliere quello che preferisci.


Benefits when choosing Neolo Owncloud instead of Box or Dropbox


Files encrypted because security is first priority

Personalized support

80% of inquiries are answered in less than 1 hour

Reliable App: OwnCloud

App open source controllata da migliaia di sviluppatori.

Reviews from website owners

Dal 2002, più di 10.000 clienti da 79 paesi hanno scelto il nostro web hosting, soprattutto da Italia


Ottima reputazione

21 reviews


"I got fast and efficient support from Neolo by setting up an SSL certificate. I have the unlimited plan and it works perfect."

Natt Holiday


"A really good and easy to use hosting site. Using the available templates, I had my website up and running in a couple of hours."

Mary Bross


"They are the best. I have been with them for months, after trying many hosting companies that did not work for me. "

Willy Reyss


"Great hosting! Fair price, easy to manage. When issues arise, they respond quickly, usually within 24 hours. I've been hosting my website with them fo..."



"Excellent service and value for money. I had hosting with Nelo for more than a year. Also have hosting with lot more expensive companies. But Neolo va..."




Perché Neolo mi adatto?

La nostra missione è che qualsiasi persona o azienda possa trasformare la propria idea in un sito web. Ti aiutiamo a sviluppare il tuo marchio o progetto personale, vendere online e pubblicare i contenuti che desideri.

Insomma, per costruire il tuo business digitale. Amiamo fornire un assistenza clienti rapida e di qualità, ecco perché rispondiamo all 80% delle richieste in meno di 1 ora e abbiamo una valutazione di 9,5 / 10.

Inoltre, i nostri server sono super stabili e offriamo una garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni. Facciamo parte del movimento Open-Startups: rendiamo pubbliche le metriche del servizio clienti e anche la stabilità dei server.

Ogni settimana pubblichiamo nuovi tutorial, corsi, interviste con specialisti e guide della conoscenza in modo che tu possa portare la tua imprenditorialità al livello successivo.

What is OwnCloud Neolo?

Neolo OwnCloud is an app that works like an external disk. Install it on your mobile devices and computers and you can store all types of files. When you want to access a file, you can do it from any of your devices because the data will be hosted in the Neolo cloud. It is also very easy to share entire folders or separate files. It's ideal to save time making your work more efficient, in addition to having all the files with security backup (backup) in our cloud.

What's the difference between OwnCloud Neolo versus Dropbox or Box?

At Neolo we are a small company (10K clients) that focus on providing personalized and very, very fast support. We answer 80% of inquiries in less than 1 hour. We did it because we are a team of 15 people distributed in different countries, and we all know each other. Each client is VERY important and we take care of them like gold or better yet, like Bitcoin. Unlike other larger and public companies that are financed by external investors, in Neolo we are a private company, so we finance ourselves with our clients and that is why we take so much care that everything works perfectly. In addition, the software (App) that you will use in Neolo OwnCloud to store, synchronize and share files, is open source, that is, it's audited by thousands of developers around the world. In another company the code is closed and you cannot know what happens with the processing of your data.

Is it easy to use?

It's super easy. You will learn in 5 minutes. It's an App that you install on your mobile devices and your computer, then create folders inside and upload the files you want. We will give you short video tutorials that explain its use step by step and also we offer you assistance from our team to learn how to use it.

Avete domande? Il nostro team è a tua disposizione per aiutarti
chatta con noi

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