Reviews from website owners
Since 2002, more than 10K clients from 79 countries have chosen our web hosting, especially from Nigeria
A domain is the name and digital identity your business or your project has on the Internet.
Create a professional email account with your own domain name quickly and easily. It is safe, builds a positive image of your company and boosts your sales.
Web Hosting is a service providing space in servers that work 24/7 to have your website and emails available online. We have different pricing plans for all your needs.
A Website is the best way to have an online presence for your project or business. You can build it yourself or get a professional web designer to do it.
Web Security is key to get a trustable domain and website. Get your SSL certificate and keep your website malware free to increase your sales.
Marketing is sales on a grand scale. Your website may be phenomenal, but it needs marketing to sell.
The domain is yours, you own it.
A domain is the unique and exclusive name given to your website on the Internet so that users can find it. In the same way that a physical business needs an address, a web browser needs a domain name to go to a website.
The domain is a shortcut to your website. It's your space and you will always have control over it - unlike a social networks account, which belongs to foreign companies -.
If you buy a domain, you can also use it as subdomains (example: and in your own email accounts (example:
Find a short, concise and easy name to remember. Avoid the use of hyphens, numbers or strange characters.
For security reasons, register names that are similar to your domain name once your business grows.
Hide your personal information when registering your domain. Avoid spam and phishing.
Registering a domain name has never been so easy: you choose the address, make the payment and in a few minutes it will be available for you to use it. It will be essential that you also hire a hosting plan in case you don't have one.
Since 2002, more than 10K clients from 79 countries have chosen our web hosting, especially from Nigeria
We accept the main means of payment. You will only have to choose the one of your preference.
Our mission is that any person or company can turn their idea into a website. We help you develop your personal brand or project, sell online and publish any content you need. To sum up, we help you build your online business.
We are pleased to give a fast and quality customer service, that's why we answer 80% of inquiries in less than 1 hour and have a 9.5/10 reviews qualification. We also have super stable servers and offer a 30 day money back guarantee.
We are part of the Open-Startups movement: we publish our customer service metrics and also the servers stability.
Every week we publish new tutorials, workshops, specialists interviews and knowledge guides so that you can take your entrepreneurial up to the next level.
The domain is the unique and exclusive name that is given to your website on the Internet so that a user can find you. For example:, and are domain names.
Yes, we register lots of domain extensions, such as .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .co and .es, among others.
We also accept country specific ones (.ar, .cl, .uy, .bo, .py, .br, .mx, .ec, .ni, .ca, .uk, .ru, etc.). Those will need to be registered in each country NIC by your own. If you need any help, let us know and we will asist you.
Domains can be renewed between 1 to 10 years.
No. The domain is your websites name, while the hosting is the service that stores your site and all its content. They are two different services.
Yes. However we recommend you to hire the domain and hosting with Neolo.
In Neolo you can register country and international domains such as .COM .NET .ORG. You can also contract hosting for these domains in Neolo.
No, the brand and the domain are independent from each other.
Yes, you can protect your domain registration data for a small annual fee.
.ES: entity type, ID type (generic, VAT or resident), ID number.
.UK: legal type of registrant, company or person for whom the domain is registered.